A complete redesign and re-think to bring about sustainable change.
How is it an example of returnable packaging:
The packaging work of Heights, a supplement brand combines design thinking around minimising material weight, altering size to allow for ease of postage, whilst utilising a waste stream to supply a biodegradable material for packaging.
Instead of the material being downgraded straight to recycling, Heights are working on offering a returnable option for the plastic pill boxes, keeping the material in use for longer. Essential design decisions included; ensuring wall thickness was below 25mm with the outer packaging and the product could be posted through the door boxes.
What other sustainable initiatives are Heights implementing?
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“In order to minimise the carbon footprint and stay within the 25mm overall package thickness for economic delivery, a special shipping box was designed from moulded sugar cane pulp—a sustainable, biodegradable material that is a byproduct from the sugar refining industry.”
The design of outer packaging included an inbuilt a hinge to ensure brand identity was meet with expected user interaction all whilst designing from one sheet of material.